
Over-planning, Under-executing: Cybersecurity Marketing

Effective marketing relies on constant experimentation and quick adjustments. Focus on testing strategies rather than over-planning to discover what truly works.

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The best marketing strategy is one that gets executed. I've sat in countless meetings where we talk for an hour about a bunch of different marketing strategies, then the meeting ends and nothing comes to fruition. Big swing, no ding.

Companies with effective marketing constantly try new things and refine their methods, keeping what works and ditching what doesn't. For that reason, the most important part of marketing is experimenting to see what sticks. This method will nearly always beat a carefully planned marketing strategy; plans rarely go to plan!

When you uncover marketing strategies that work for your organization, triple-down on them. When you find ones that don't work, kill them with fire.

The takeaway: try to have a bias towards testing over planning. Most marketing teams plan too much and don't pivot quickly enough when their plan isn't working.

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